Jewish Heritage Europe


Reopening Jewish Museum @ Bucharest
Jun 7 @ 16:30 – 19:00

After a five year break for restoration and revamping, the Museum of the History and Culture of Jews in Romania is reopening, also with the dedication of new art gallery.

The museum was founded in 1978, at the initiative of then Romanian Chief Rabbi Moses Rosen in the former Holy Union synagogue, built in 1836 as a place of worship for the local tailors’ craft union.


Reinauguration Hârlâu synagogue @ Hârlâu synagogue
Jun 13 all-day
Reinauguration Hârlâu synagogue @ Hârlâu synagogue | Hârlău | Județul Iași | Romania

The synagogue in Hârlâu, Romania will be rededicated following restoration.

A day-long program of events starts at 10:30 a.m. (See photo)




Commemoration of architect of synagogue @ former synagogue, St. Polten, Austria
Oct 3 @ 17:30 – 20:30
Commemoration of architect of synagogue @ former synagogue, St. Polten, Austria | Sankt Pölten | Niederösterreich | Austria

A commemoration of Theodor Schreier, the architect of the synagogue in St. Pölten, will include the unveiling of a commemorative plaque to the architect and his wife — both Holocaust victims who died in the Terezin ghetto/camp north of Prague — and a memorial symphonic concert featuring the music of Brahms, Bloch, Dvorak, Janacek, and Schulhoff.

The synagogue is now the home of the Institut für jüdische Geschichte Österreichs — Institute for Austrian Jewish History.



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