Jewish Heritage Europe


Jewish gravestone images in Venice @ MAJH, Paris, Auditorium
Nov 25 @ 12:30 – 14:00

Les stèles funéraires de l’ancien cimetière juif de Venise. Art, histoire et poésie

Old Jewish Cemetery, Venice

A lecture in French by Sofia Locatelli about the carved imagery found in the Old Jewish Cemetery in Venice, 1386-1774.

Construit en 1386 sur un terrain stérile concédé aux juifs par la République de Venise au Lido, à l’Est de la ville, l’ancien cimetière juif San Nicolò précède de plus d’un siècle la clôture du ghetto. En raison de son emplacement favorable, face à la lagune, la nécropole fut parfois utilisée à des fins défensives et militaires. De nombreuses stèles funéraires furent perdues, détruites ou réutilisées, et d’autres déplacées sur un terrain situé plus au Sud, devenu officiellement le « nouveau cimetière » en 1774. Les tombes de l’ancienne nécropole sont des artefacts riches en histoire, en poésie et en art. Leur étude permet de restituer la vie et les événements des membres de la communauté, mais également de détecter des aspects significatifs de la culture littéraire et artistique de l’époque.

Les épitaphes, véritables poèmes en rimes et en rythme, et le complexe réseau iconographique et symbolique gravé sur les stèles, font de l’ancien cimetière du Lido une source de connaissance exceptionnelle sur l’art et la poésie juives dans l’Italie de l’époque moderne.


Sharing the Catacombs @ Online and in person at the Swiss Institute
Apr 1 @ 17:00 – 19:30

Sharing the catacombs. Religious interactions in funeral spaces of Rome, 3rd-4th centuries CE

A round-table of interational scholars, in Italian and English, about Jewish and Christian catacombs in Rome.

To register for Zoom attendance, go to


H17:00-17:15 – Caroline Bridel, Introduzione

H17:15-17:45 – Giandomenico Spinola (Musei Vaticani), La necropoli vaticana della via Triumphalis: tra religione e superstizione

H17:45-18:15 – Giancarlo Lacerenza (Università di Napoli L’Orientale), Ebraico e aramaico negli epitaffi delle catacombe ebraiche di Roma: segni di plurilinguismo o marcatori identitari?  

H18:15-18:30 – Pausa

H18:30-19:00 – Norbert Zimmermann (Deutsche Archäologisches Institut), Space, tombs, images: Experiencing Christian Catacombs of Rome

H19:00-19:30 – Discussione moderata da Caroline Bridel

Synagogue-Church-Mosque @ Online and In Person
Apr 4 @ 15:30 – Apr 5 @ 19:00
Synagogue-Church-Mosque @ Online and In Person
Monday 4 aprile 2022 at 15.00
Location — Rome Jewish Museum, Via Catalana – Synagogue, Rome
Tuesday 5 aprile 2022 at 9.00
Location — Biblioteca di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea – Via Michelangelo Caetani 32, Rome
The project is developed around the study of the architectural typologies of the three main monotheistic religions
and, instead of considering them as isolated phenomena as it has been generally done until now, proposes to
analyze the exchanges, contaminations, adoption of ancient prototypes and the painful and sacrilegious processes of
adaptation to the new cult. Particular attention is paid to the methods of restoration, or renovation of religious
buildings no longer in use or looted, a widespread practice that generally coincides with low-cost interventions
consisting of removing and replacing the images, as well as changing the ornaments and possibly the furniture. In
order to investigate this aspect it is necessary to highlight its trauma and subsequently to remember the desecration
of religious buildings carried out over the centuries to adapt them to the religious needs of the dominant power, and
therefore the distortion of some of their peculiar characteristics, and what was destroyed and what was maintained.
Monday, April 4th, 2022
Jewish Museum of Rome
3:00 PM Registration
3:45 PM Institutional greetings: Rav Riccardo Shmuel Di Segni
(Chief Rabbi of the Jewish Community of Rome), Ruth Dureghello
(President of the Jewish Community of Rome)
4:00 PM Sabine Frommel (EPHE-PSL, Paris), Olga Melasecchi (Jewish
Museum of Rome): Introduction
4:15 PM Alessandro Saggioro (Università di Roma La Sapienza): Dalla
“memoria” al “trauma”: il potere politico e la profanazione degli edifici
religiosi (From “memory” to “trauma”: the political power and the
desecration of religious buildings)
5:00 PM Coffee break
5:15 PM Sible de Blaauw (Radboud University di Nijmegen): Early Christian
Basilicas and Ancient Synagogues: Interreligious Dynamics in Architecture
for Worship
6:00 PM Bianca Kühnel (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem):
The orientation of Galilean synagogues, fourth to sixth centuries
6:45 PM Sergio Amedeo Terracina (Jewish Community of Rome): Il
Tempio Maggiore di Roma e le sue tipologie architettoniche di riferimento
(The Great Synagogue of Rome and its architectural typologies of
7:30 PM End of session
Tuesday, April 5th, 2022
Biblioteca di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea
9:00 AM Registration
9:15 AM Institutional greetings: Patrizia Rusciani (Director
of the Biblioteca di Storia Moderna e Contemoporanea, Rome)
9:30 AM Andrea Morpurgo (Fondazione per i Beni Culturali Ebraici in
Italia): La sinagoga in Italia dal medioevo all’emancipazione: una lunga
storia di continuità tipologica, cambi di destinazione d’uso e strategie di
rinnovamento stilistico-architettonico (The synagogue in Italy from the
Middle Ages to emancipation: a long history of typological continuity,
changes of intended use and strategies of stylistic-architectural renewal)
10:15 AM Elie Abi Nassif (Académie Libanaise des Beaux Arts, Beyrouth,
UOB, Université de Balamand):Tripoli-Liban-Nord, Patrimoine religieux
complexe (Tripoli -Lebanon-North, complexreligious heritage)
11:00 AM Coffeee Break
11:15 AM Mattia Guidetti (Università di Bologna) / Yuri Alessandro
Marano (Ca’ Foscari University, Venice): Lo stato giuridico delle
sinagoghe sotto Bisanzio e delle chiese sotto l’Islam: Prospettive
comparate durante la lunga Tarda Antichità (The legal status of
synagogues under Byzantium and churches under Islam: compared
perspectives during the long Late Antiquity)
12:00 AM Ionna Rapti (EPHE-PSL, Paris):Memory, property and shrines
between Christians and Muslimsin 13th century Armenia: evidence from
ornament and inscriptions
12:45 AM Lunch break
2:00 PM Pedro Galera Andreu (University of Jaén): Contaminaciones
formales en la arquitectura de lassinagogas,catedralesy mezquitas en la
España bajomedieval (Formal contamination in the architecture of
synagogues, cathedrals and mosques in late medieval Spain)
2:45 PM Luis Rueda Galan (University of Jaén): Maria del Mihrāb:
Riflessioni su arte e devozioni interreligiose nel Mediterraneo medievale
(Mary of the Miḥrāb: reflections on interreligious art and devotions in
the medieval Mediterranean Sea)
3:30 PMFelipe Serano Estrella (University ofJaén): Cattedrali e reliquie
in Spagna nell ́età moderna (Cathedrals and relics in Spain in the
Modern Age)
4:15 PM Coffee break
4:30 PM Gianmario Guidarelli (Università di Padova): Cinque
sinagoghe e una moschea:spazicultuali non cristiani nella Venezia di Età
Moderna (Five synagogues and a mosque: non-Christian cultual spaces
in the Modern Age Venice)
5:15 PM Mathieu Lours (EPHE-PSL-Paris): Jean-Baptiste Séroux
d’Agincourt et la naissance de l’architecture gothique: un nouveau regard
vers l’architecture religieuse islamique au siècle des Lumières
(Jean-Baptiste Séroux d’Agincourt and the emergence of gothic
architecture: a new perspective on religious Islamic architecture during
the Enlightenment)
6:00 PM Alexander von Kienlin (Technische Universität München):
Synagogues of the Jewish “Reform movements” from the late 18th
6:45 PM General discussion and perspectives

Jewish Museum of East Prussia tour @ Synagogue, Kaliningrad
Oct 9 @ 14:00 – 15:00
Jewish Museum of East Prussia tour @ Synagogue, Kaliningrad | Kaliningrad | Kaliningradskaya oblast' | Russia

Reception and curators’ tour at the newly opening Jewish Museum in the Kaliningrad Synagogue.

The exhibition “Through Koenigsberg with Jewish Eyes” will be presented to the public. The members of the Jewish Congregation have been able to visit the new museum since mid-September.


Treasures of Jewish Siracusa @ Siracusa, Italy
Oct 20 all-day

A one-day conference will also include the inauguration of the Austria Jewish book store (run by Wojtek and Malgosia Ornat who run the Austeria Jewish publishing house and book store in Krakow) and also the unveiling of a plaque on the mikveh recognising the AEPJ’s Route of Jewish heritage.

See program:

The Architecture of the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam @ Online
Jan 12 @ 12:00 – 13:00
The Architecture of the Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam @ Online

Dr. Pieter Vlaardingerbroek will present an illustrated talk live from Amsterdam on the architecture and interior of the 1675 Portuguese Synagogue (the Esnoga) in Amsterdam and the synagogue’s direct influence on the architecture of the 1763 Touro Synagogue in Newport, Rhode Island.

Pieter Vlaardingerbroek, Ph.D., is a leading expert on Dutch architecture and material culture. He is an architectural historian for the City of Amsterdam, having served in a similar position for the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands. He is an Assistant Professor of Architectural History and Conservation at the University of Utrecht. Professor Vlaardingerbroek is the author of many articles and books and served as editor for the definitive volume on the Portuguese Sephardic synagogue, The Portuguese Synagogue in Amsterdam, published by the City of Amsterdam in 2013.

There is no fee to participate, but reservations are required to receive the Zoom login information.

Click to register.


Jewish Cultural Heritage in Slovakia (online) @ Online
Jan 24 @ 10:00 – 13:00

The eighth annual conference dedicated to Jewish cultural heritage in Slovakia, including major projects and activities — and the people behind them.

This year, a focus will be the restoration of the synagogue in Trenčín, which is implemented with the support of the EHP Grant (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) with co-financing from the state budget of the Slovak community and resources of the Jewish community.

The conference will be available online at and



Guided tour of the Jewish Museum of Lecce and the Ancient “Giudecca” @ Jewish Museum of Lecce
Jan 27 @ 16:00
Guided tour of the Jewish Museum of Lecce and the Ancient "Giudecca" @ Jewish Museum of Lecce | Lecce | Puglia | Italy

Guided tour of the Jewish Museum Lecce and the ancient Jewish district, with Fabrizio Ghio (architect and archaeologist, member of the Scientific Committee of the Jewish Museum Lecce), Fabrizio Lelli, director of the Jewish Museum Lecce and professor of Hebrew language and literature at the Sapienza University (Rome), and Claudio Fano, direct witness of the racial laws and the Jews deportation from the Ghetto of Rome on October 16th 1943.

Free admission, reservation required.

Telephone Number & WhatsApp: + 39 0832 247016

Book launch of “Zohar: A Photographic Journey through the Places of Italian Jewish Culture” @ Teatro Franco Parenti
Feb 19 @ 18:30
Book launch of "Zohar: A Photographic Journey through the Places of Italian Jewish Culture" @ Teatro Franco Parenti | Milano | Lombardia | Italy

Book launch of “Zohar: A Photographic Journey through the Places of Italian Jewish Culture,” with the author Francesco Maria Colombo, Ferruccio de Bortoli, President of the Shoah Memorial Foundation, and Sandro Parmiggiani, editor of the book.

The book is under the patronage of the Foundation for Jewish Cultural Heritage in Italy and is enriched by contributions from Sandro Parmiggiani, Adachiara Zevi, Alberto Manguel, and Dario Disegni.

Free admission with reservation.

Slovak synagogues in postcards book launch @ Jewish Culture Museum Bratislava
Feb 21 @ 17:00
Slovak synagogues in postcards book launch @ Jewish Culture Museum Bratislava | Bratislava | Bratislavský kraj | Slovakia

The book “Slovak Synagogues on Old Postcards” will be launched in Bratislava.
The book includes more than 270 old postcards of Jewish places of worship.
Opposite each postcard is a brief history of the Jewish community and synagogue of a particular city or village.
The book is written in English and Slovak. Historical settlement names appear in both Hungarian and German.
If you plan to attend the launch, please  confirm your arrival to the contacts in the booking as the number of places is limited.

You can buy the publication directly on the spot, or ordered via the following email address:

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