Jewish Heritage Europe


10 Anniversary of the POLIN Museum @ POLIN museum Warsaw
Sep 27 – Sep 30 all-day
10 Anniversary of the POLIN Museum @ POLIN museum Warsaw | Warszawa | Województwo mazowieckie | Poland

A series of events marks the 10th anniversary of POLIN — the Museum of the History of Polish.

Click here to see the program

Hidden Splendors: The Stunning Baroque Synagogues of Piedmont, Italy @ online- Zoom
Sep 29 @ 13:00 – 14:00
Hidden Splendors: The Stunning Baroque Synagogues of Piedmont, Italy @ online- Zoom

An online Zoom lecture in the Community Scholar Program, by architecture historian Dr. Samuel Gruber, an expert on synagogue architecture worldwide and president of the International Survey of Jewish Monuments.

19-20:00 CET

In Piedmont, Italy the Jewish community built many synagogues over a period of four centuries. The earliest Ghetto synagogues are usually unmarked on the street and occupy residential-type buildings with sanctuaries located on upper floors for greater security and better lighting. Nondescript on the exterior, the sanctuaries are ornately decorated within with richly carved Baroque and Rococo arks and tevahs, and gilded and painted walls and ceiling. The Piedmontese synagogues at Alessandria, Asti, Biella, Carmagnola, Casale Monferato, Cherasco, Cuneo, Ivrea, Mondovi, and Saluzzo, survive as largely unknown architectural treasures, but they are gradually being restored and opened ot the public.

In this talk, lavishly illustrated with his  photos, Dr. Samuel Gruber examines some of the most dazzling synagogues in Europe and relates them to the artistic and religious movements of the time.

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